Sunday, March 14, 2010

It's Not Delivery...It's Wheat Free Vegan Pizza!

Saturday... check! Movie night... check! Wheat-free vegan pizza delivery... not so much. Maybe it’s not delivery, maybe it’s not Delissio - but it was just as delicious and just as quick. We were able to find a suitable vegan pizza crust from Planet Organic Market, which simplified the process.

The toppings were easy, including sliced tomatoes, chopped red pepper, sliced swiss chard and chopped pineapple. You can change the toppings according to your own preferences. We used pre-made pizza sauce, and drizzled home-made nutritional yeast sauce over the toppings (1/2 cup nutritional yeast, tbsp flour, 2 tbsp oil, ¾ cup water, 1 tbsp Dijon mustard. Bring to a
boil while stirring to thicken). Pop that beauty in the oven and cook according to frozen crust instructions. The result: a fast, low maintenance (but delicious) meal for the weekend, resulting in extra time for other activities (such as skiing, yes!!).


Lindsay March 16, 2010 at 6:04 AM  

This looks amazing, and a great photo to boot!

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