Sunday, April 18, 2010

Almost 100 Mile Challege Pasta Salad

Since posting about the 100 Mile Challenge a week ago we've been watching it online (follow the link two posts below). Luckily we've been inspired at a time where the local farmers markets have plenty of local produce to choose from. We took the easy way out and made a big a$$ pasta salad. No we're not having guests over, we just like to eat a lot.

We're calling it Almost 100 Mile Challenge Pasta Salad because the pasta is definitely not local. Apparently it's out of Edmonton so that's got to be better than Italy, right? The dressing also isn't local, but we'll sort out those details next time... Maybe we should call it Pasta Salad with Local Veggies, but we've got to stick to a theme... jeez enough with the criticism already people.

1x Red Peppers
1x Yellow Peppers
1x Orange Peppers
5x White Turnips
1 x Head of Watercress
1x Small red onion
1x Cucumber
Basil Leaves

Al Gore hating, climate changing, smogtacular products of doom:
1/4 cup Olive Oil
2 tbsp Balsamic Vinegar
1 tsp Sea Salt
1 tsp Pepper
2 tbsp Dijon Mustard

Organic Kamut Spiral Pasta

Mix everything together and clean up. You're ready to eat!


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